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  • Stephen Salski


Updated: Jul 3

I would like to begin by thanking Cyndy Kay for hosting a garage sale in June 2024 to help raise funds for our fundraiser. She generously donated $650 to our foundation! We are extremely grateful and humbled that she chose our foundation to help. Thank you, Cyndy, from the bottom of our hearts for the many hours of organizing, setting up, taking down, greeting, and helping people for three days of the sale and the many hours of  preparation beforehand. You are a generous, thoughtful, and amazing individual who has done so much for our foundation. We would also like to thank the volunteers from the bottom of our hearts that helped Cyndy. She could not have done it without your help. Thank you to Karen, Lori, Arlene, Nicole, and Carol. Lastly, thank you to all those who donated items. Without those items and all the help from those mentioned above, it wouldn't have been such a huge success! We thank you so much for all your hard work and for believing in our mission to help school staff.

Next, I want to thank all of those individuals who have made a donation to our foundation since last May. I want you to know that we have been actively seeking schools around the country that have an existing morale program and allocating your donations. In the future, we are seeking to work with a principal to help set up a program in her school to improve morale. We are excited about the fall as we will be opening up an application process for schools to apply for mini grants. In addition, we will be providing templates for schools to use to help start a morale program. Therefore, your donation has helped school staff in several schools around the country.

There is no way that I could possibly express my gratitude enough to those that have volunteered and donated. I understand there are thousands of nonprofits that exist for a number of reasons. Thank you for believing in our foundation and mission. Recently I witnessed first-hand that numerous staff members feel staff morale in schools is at an all-time low. I have spoken to staff members who shared these thoughts with me. Staff members feel they aren’t valued for what they do. They feel they are taken for granted, aren’t thanked for going above and beyond, and are not respected for the knowledge and experience they bring to the job. They are expected to do more and more, while being told they don’t do enough. The result of this results in staff members leaving their jobs in record numbers. Others who can’t afford to quit the career say they no longer enjoy what they do, or just go along and do their job without enthusiasm.

I wanted to start a foundation that brings awareness to this issue because I have experienced and seen how this affects one’s emotional well-being. Work can and should be made fun! Showing recognition, appreciation, value, and encouragement goes a long way. As one could see through these past several blogs, schools that have morale booster programs truly make a difference. 

I currently work as administrative support in the athletic department at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t feel appreciated and valued by my superiors, colleagues, athletes, and students. I am so proud and feel fortunate to work at such a highly regarded organization. The athletic department at UNC has created such a positive culture. They have different programs that recognize all staff members, provide numerous special days throughout the year where they have events to show employee appreciation, and express gratitude and appreciation for what individuals do no matter the position one holds. At Chapel Hill they encourage you as a colleague; be it through emails, helping out individuals, posting social media highlights, or through one-on-one conversations. I wish all schools were doing what UNC athletics does for its staff morale. I know UNC isn’t alone, yet I have direct experience with this organization and therefore I wish this atmosphere for all schools. 

Therefore, in order to reach for the stars, we need more help. We need more people to help volunteer on our committees, especially fundraising. We need people to spread what we do by following us on social media, spreading our message to others, and liking our posts. We need assistance in helping find funding, so we can provide grants and mini grants to schools. 

Speaking of funding, I would like to take this time to mention our next fundraiser, which will be held on August 17, 2024 at Fernando's Tequila Bar and Restaurant 3450 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60657. The fundraiser will include a silent auction with something a little different, an Artisan Fair Showcase. If you cannot attend, it will also be broadcast live on Facebook where you can also participate. To participate in this event, it is $30, and you will walk away with a unique art piece that would sell two or three times that amount. You can always check out our website for more details. Any funds raised will be used to assist in the goal of increasing opportunities for positive staff morale programs in schools. If you have any questions, please email us at:

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